Sunday, August 28, 2011

swimming in sunshine

This morning I packed up the car, the kids, a lunchbox filled with E's favorite "SAM-ICHES!" a bag of sand toys, and went on an adventure. While singing "we're gonna go-go-go-go- on adventure"... If you watch PBS Kids you know exactly what I'm referring to. Anyway. Our adventure.To the lake. I looked that like ridiculous woman dragging two kids, arms full of giant flotation devices, bags of things overflowing, to find stairs leading down to the beach area.
Needless to say, E went NUTS. We swam. And swam. Floated with floaties and swam some more. D even woke up from his slumber got in his airplane and joined the fun.
Best part, there was hardly anyone there :)
Worst part, finding smashed Miller Lite cans on the lake floor. {Welcome to Louisiana}
Luckily, this lake is about 15/20 minutes from our house, is free and will make our stay here at Fort Polk suck a little less since I plan on making this a weekly thing. Which reminds me, I need to stock up on some sunscreen for my creatures.
Honestly- I wish someone would invent a waterproof cellphone so I could get up close and awesome photos of my kids. Because, they L-O-V-E-D their day. And, I'll say it, because I think they're awesome.

{I know what you're thinking... She's awesome :-)}

This week, we're going to get back into our routine, play group, {maybe story time}, and unpack-unpack-unpack. One day, it will feel like home. And look like it too. Finally- this week, HOPEFULLY, I'll be featuring a toddler friendly {more than likely educational} craft for you guys to try at home should it catch your fancy.

Try not to have a Case of The Mondays tomorrow ;-)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Since Easter?

Seriously, I haven't blogged since Easter? Easter feels like it was last year.
I suppose I have been busy and a little, well, I'll just say it, lazy. Good news, I am almost done with school :) Finally!!! People keep asking me what I'm going to do after school. My answer is NOTHING. I get an awkward silence from the other person, but I'm taking a break and doing nothing. I've been a little overwhelmed lately and I can't wait to just, sit back, relax and play with my little creatures :)

We also moved. Unfortunately, not out of Louisiana. But out of our horrible house. We lost good neighbors and new friends in the process- but I guess that comes with the the territory. Welcome to the military. 

Finally. I need to get off the internet and Google. Sometimes too much information is dangerous ;-)
I am absolutely TERRIFIED of sending my children to public schools. And I haven't figured out if selling one kidney will be enough to send Emma AND to private school preK-12, or if Codi is going to have to chip in on the organ trade. Then, I've stumbled across unschooling. Which is a form of homeschooling. If our public education system continues to fail, private school becomes out of reach and moving to Canada is out of the option- homeschooling may become our only option. And unschooling may be tagging along. Please Google it. You may find yourself pleasantly surprised.

Looking forward to picking up my blogging again :-) I'll be honest. It has been missed.