Wednesday, March 30, 2011

i don't have a title.

I know, I haven't done my thirty day challenge. I just haven't gotten around to taking a picture of a picture to do the spectacular post I want to do. I want it to be right.

I have to start with I have become attached to the series Army Wives. I saw an episode once and I thought in my head: there is no way that those women would be friends in real life. Because let's be realistic, most wives of officers tend to have this attitude of "I'm better than you, my husband is an officer". This isn't always the case, but let's just say in three years an officers wife hasn't said hello to me. But, since I've started the series from episode one, season one, I know why they're all friends. You'll have to watch to find out :)
Anyway, to the point of the story. I am so incredibly consumed with knowing what happens next. We have Netflix and it's on the instant queue.
For no reason I just typed an entire paragraph about that show. I'm sorry.

Side note: If I have to repeat myself one more time today, there's going to be issues.
We don't run around like banshees with our heads cut off, there's no need for all the screaming, we don't touch things that don't belong to us, leave your brother alone, we don't stand in our chairs, we don't throw toys, please sit down and relax. Repeating myself is exhausting.

Codi graduated from WLC! We were very proud of him.
So, we get there. Let me tell you, some Army wives like to keep it classy. And when I say classy, I mean - "Hey, I'm going to the Dollar Store, this outfit should work." I'm sorry, but at an event, I would not be wearing my tennis shoes, jeans and the baggiest shirt I own and my kids most certainly will not look like they've been playing in dirt before walking in the doors. How embarrassing would it be if Codi's platoon sergeant came and said hello dressed in that manner? Plenty embarrassing. For him and for me. Awwkkwaarrdddd.
Anyway, our camera sucks and the pictures I took of Codi didn't turn out. It's SUCKS. It makes me so mad. So, you'll have to use your imagination :)

(the dark green blobs are Codi.)

My Loves.

My Boys
Monkey and Daddy

(ignore my horrible looking face)

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