` Day 02 - A picture of you and the person you have been close with for the longest.
This could have gone several ways. A friend I've been close with the longest. Or a sibling, since I've known them since before I could remember. Then the problem, which sibling would I choose? I have a different use of my days for them :)
Then while I was emailing my mom this morning, I had a light bulb moment (and watch out world, those don't happen all the time). She's the one I have been close with the for longest.
Obviously. She carried me for nine months and then raised me every day for 18+ years. I email her every day she's at work and send her pictures of my little nuggets every day.
She has loved me regardless of my poor decision making in high school and all the mistakes I've made in my 22 years of existence. She has watched me cry, made me feel better, laughed with me, supported me and reassured me. She introduced me to my love for a good stepback cupboard, a nice piece of iron stone and a good hot cup of coffee. She showed me to appreciate books. She taught me how to plant flowers. I appreciate everything she has ever done for me. Even though I probably don't tell her that enough.
Sadly, this is almost three years old. And I know she would hate it :)
I love her. Bushels and gobs.
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