Day 25 - A picture of your day.
My kids have the worst allergies since we live in Louisiana now. For the past week and a half, I've been wiping snot from baby noses. It's incredibly gross. I hate snot. I hate boogers. And I hate the nose sucker and the horrible sound it makes. I'm waiting for the day where they wake up and there's no snot or crusty noses.
Now on with some fun stuff! And LOTS of pictures.
Whomever invented the Jumperoo was a freaking GENIUS! Declan has been pretty picky about how he has to be. He has to be sitting in the up right position or standing. And I couldn't get anything done. It was a rather big challenge. But now. Now he has a Jumperoo and he goes bat shit insane in his. He has even taken to falling asleep in there, and it's pretty cute. You have no idea how much of a relief it is to see him so happy and content.

(sleepy boy)
(i don't care what you say, he's the happiest baby in the world)
Today it was a beautiful and sunny 73 degrees, so I put together Emma's water table. And that girl went crazy. She played and played. She drank the water. Tried to make me drink the water. And then tried to make the dog drink the water. Needless to say, Rinny and I passed on that idea.
(please ignore our very trashy looking yard that needs mowed)
(my monkey<3)
(drinking the water, it was "yummy")
(she moved the tower so she could do it better)
I need to get this off my chest. I was attacked by an ant hill of predators. The exterminator came yesterday and sprayed for ants. Well, he did a crap job. I was sitting coloring with chalk on the sidewalk, and my foot got in what I thought was dirt. It wasn't. It was an ant hill. So, I panicked. I started stepping on them and what did they do? I'll tell you what they didn't do, they didn't die. They started crawling on my toes and BITING me. I got the hose and sprayed down the sidewalk for a good five minutes thinking that would take care of the little boogers. Do you think that worked? Sure didn't. These ants were on steroids and out for revenge! It was horrible. Now my toes itch :(
While outside, we played with the dingo. Rinny. She is so obsessed with tennis balls it's absurd. Now. I wouldn't mind if she didn't bring me 1/4 of a ball and expected me to play with her. But she does, so I do. We love her.
(Rinniford P. Wellington Mann the III)
(See what I mean, it's not even a whole ball)
This involved 2 of my least favorite things in the whole entire world. Snot and ants. Yuck! I feel for you girl.