Wednesday, March 23, 2011

twenty four.

`Day 24 - A picture of something you wish you could change.

If you haven't noticed, I'm a little biter about where I am. See that map. See Alexandria and Lake Charles? I live in the middle of those two points, near Texas. Make sense? Now, I live near NOTHING. I miss Washington. I miss the trees. I miss the weather. I miss driving an hour to Seattle, about 20 minutes to my favorite place- Tolmie State Park, or 10 minutes to ANYTHING for that matter. I miss Indiana for the pure fact I miss my family. My daughter misses her Grammy, her "Sbeth" (Aunt Elisabeth) and her Joe. And even Hendricks County had some civilization. Sorry Indiana, I do not miss your weather!
For the record, I wouldn't mind living here if I didn't have to drive to Alexandria or Lake Charles to do it. And if it wasn't so damn hot.
If I could change something I would totally change where we live. I wish we lived closer to home. I wish we didn't live in this house where something is constantly going wrong. I wish I could do something about it.
But-- the Army doesn't care what I want or what I think.

So, I'm going to make the best out of our undetermined length of stay here in the bayou.
Sigh. Very big sigh. A very, very, very big sigh.

But on a side note. Our air conditioner has been fixed. Thank Jeebus!
Now, my hands and feet don't sweat and we aren't cranky from being so hot.
Bring on the weather Louisiana!

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